You thought particle physics and astronomy were the only big frontiers in physics? Well, you thought wrong. Follow this blog to start discovering some of the wonders of materials all around you, and some of the revolutions that are shocking the field.
Posts are converted jupyter notebooks with Julia code, and are meant for interaction. For additional information, see Interact.
Each post is characterized by a level and tags, and it may fit into a themed series. Each can be read indepently, but some may make more sense with appropriote background information, either provided by other posts or academic study.
Audience Levels
- General: Those with some background in programming, math, and physics should be able to follow.
- Prerequisites Required: I will spell out classes in the beginning that one should have taken in order to understand the physics of the post. For example, in order to understand calculating the orbitals of a hydrogen-like atom, I will assume you analytically solved it in a Quantum Mechanics course. Even if you haven't taken the classes, feel free to still try.
- Graduate: Advanced Courses are recommended in order to get the most out of the material. That being said, I try to avoid assuming knowledge of vocabulary or notation. I want to bridge the gap between written descriptions of algorithms and full fledged research implementations here.
- Numerics:Without a specific physics goal. Sometimes I may just want to talk about something programming or numerical method related.
- Programming:Assorted Julialang topics not to do with numbers.
Themed Series
# | Title | Level | Tags |
Monte Carlo Physics | |||
1 | Monte Carlo Calculation of Pi |
2 | Monte Carlo Markov Chain |
3 | Monte Carlo Ferromagnet |
4 | Phase Transitions |
1D Spin Chain | |||
1 | Jacobi Transformation |
2 | 1D Spin Chain Prerequisites |
3 | 1D Spin Chain Values and Vectors |
Topological Physics | |||
1 | The Chern Number |
2 | The Winding Number and SSH Model |
Crystals | |||
1 | Computationally Visualizing Crystals |
2 | Computationally Visualizing Crystals Pt. 2 |
Quantum Time Evolution | |||
1 | Quantum Harmonic Oscillator |
2 | Time Evolution Spit Operator Method |
3 | Ground States: Imaginary Time Evolution |
Independent | |||
Intro to Jupyter and Projectile Motion |
Atomic Orbitals |
Restricted 3-Body Problem |
Ordinary Differential Equations |
Root Finding in One Dimension |
HDF5 |
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